Cedar Fall is one of Ohio’s most popular natural history attractions. Located on Queer Creek, the falls drops approximately 50 feet into the ravine, and is the largest waterfall by volume in the Hocking Hills region.
Accessing the falls, hikers pass through a chasm thick with hemlock trees, lined by steep rock walls, grottos, and additional waterfalls. Visitors to the falls have characterized the area as “wild and lonely, but spectacularly beautiful.”
The Democracy Steps, leading down to the falls, were created by Akio Hizume. Drawing from his love of nature, Hizume, an artist, architect, and mathematician, designed a staircase that descended gently down the hillside nearly 100 steps long.
Visitors to Cedar Falls will find a picnic area and latrines located within a short walk from the falls.
The History
Cedar Falls gets its name from early settlers who mistook the area’s abundant hemlock trees for cedar trees and incorrectly named the falls. In the mid-1800s, a grist mill was constructed at the top of the falls, positioned to take advanced of the power generated by the flow of water over the falls. Remains of the mill still stand today.